GirlScript Summer Of Code 2019
A 3 month adventure.

GirlScript Summer of Code is the 3 month long Open Source program during summers conducted by GirlScript Foundation, started in 2018, with an aim to help beginners get started with Open Source Development while encouraging diversity. Throughout the program, participants contribute to different projects under guidance of experienced mentors.
My Journey
I had an unexpected and unpredictable journey. I started off as someone who was not particularly open to open source. Now I’m an active player with responsibility for activities in the more visible Open Source projects!
One day i discovered GirlScript Summer of Code page on my LinkedIn. I was excited to take part in this 3 month long adventure. But i wasn’t sure that i will be able to make it.
Let’s just give it a shot. Worst comes to worst I might fail but at least I will know that I tried! I do not want to let go of an opportunity.
It’s okay to not know everything, and take one step at a time to learn something new.
There were many projects and i was confused which to choose but after going through many projects i finally chose Techtonica (Web-Dev curriculum).

I’ll be honest here, before starting out everything looked intimidating. But once it’s all done you start finding that everything is a piece of cake.

To all the people who are reading this, I hope I was able to motivate you and make you realize that you are fit to contribute to open source — because the truth is you are! In fact, it’s not even necessary to know a particular programming language, as you can always help with the documentation or you can report detailed bugs and can always learn things along the way.
A special thanks to Alina and Kundan for being amazing mentors throughout this journey, following up every time, and answering my various questions. Thank you so much! ❤️